One Request to Guide Them All

The premier journey planning and booking service for all realms of Middle-earth. From the peaceful glades of the Shire to the majestic halls of Erebor.

Access the API

About One Request

In these latter days of the Third Age, as the peoples of Middle-earth seek passage between the Free Lands, One Request stands as the singular authority for journey planning. Our service bridges the gaps between realms, arranging travel, accommodations, and experiences across Elven forests, Dwarven halls, and the settlements of Men.

Whether you seek the tranquil gardens of Rivendell, the golden halls of Edoras, or venture to witness the craftsmanship of the Lonely Mountain, our sophisticated system coordinates all arrangements through a single request. Our network of trusted guides, secure routes, and diplomatic arrangements ensures safe passage even in these uncertain times.

The White Council itself has granted us authority to operate across all realms, with proprietary access to ancient pathways and hidden routes that remain secret to the common traveler.

Our Services



From the comfort of hobbit-holes to the grandeur of elven guest chambers, secure the finest lodgings in every realm.



Arrange passage by horse, boat, or wagon train with trusted carriers who know the secret paths between realms.



Book specialized experiences - from archery training with the Galadhrim to gemstone workshops in Erebor.


Group Coordination

Organize fellowships large and small with our specialized group management system.

For Developers

The One Request system is primarily designed as an API service. Our craftsmen are currently forging a new user experience worthy of display in the halls of kings, but until its completion, we offer direct access to our comprehensive API.

API Documentation

All the power of One Request is available through our well-documented API endpoints. As the scribes of Gondor meticulously record the lineages of kings, so too have we documented every aspect of our service.

Access our comprehensive documentation through:

Interactive Documentation OpenAPI Specification

Postman Collection

For the convenience of our allied developers, we offer a complete Postman collection containing all endpoints and example requests:

Download Postman Collection

Sample Request

curl -X POST "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "name": "Starlight Feast",
    "description": "An evening of feasting and song beneath the stars of Elendil",
    "location_id": "caras-galadhon-01",
    "price": 450,
    "currency": "SILV",
    "day": "3019-04-15"

Our API is secured with the same vigilance as the gates of Minas Tirith. Authentication tokens are required for all requests, with different levels of access granted according to your station within the realms.