Location Registry

Our extensive network spans all corners of Middle-earth, from the northernmost dwellings of Forodwaith to the golden halls of Harad. Each location in our registry has been personally visited and vetted by our agents, with detailed information on accommodations, local customs, and security considerations.

Unlike common travel arrangements, One Request maintains diplomatic relationships with leaders in each realm, ensuring our travelers receive priority access and special considerations not available to independent wanderers.

Notable Locations Include:

  • The hidden valley of Imladris (Rivendell)
  • The golden wood of Lothlorien
  • The Glittering Caves of Aglarond
  • The rebuilt splendor of Minas Tirith
  • The halls of Erebor, the Lonely Mountain
  • The peaceful landscapes of the Shire
  • The horse-lords' capital of Edoras

Activities & Experiences

Beyond mere lodging and transport, One Request specializes in arranging unique cultural experiences that would otherwise be inaccessible to travelers. Our diplomatic standing with the ruling bodies of each realm allows us to arrange specialized training, cultural exchanges, and rare experiences.

Each activity is led by a master in their respective craft, often individuals whose skills have been honed over centuries. Whether you seek the warrior traditions of Rohan or the delicate craft of Elven jewelry-making, our network can arrange the proper introductions.

Popular Experiences:

  • Archery training with the Galadhrim of Lorien
  • Smithing workshops with the master crafters of Erebor
  • Wine tasting in the cellars of Dorwinion
  • Horseback riding with the Rohirrim
  • Ancient history lectures in the libraries of Minas Tirith
  • Star-gazing from the observation towers of Eärendil
  • Hobbit cooking classes in the Shire

Fellowship Management

The true power of One Request lies in its ability to coordinate complex itineraries for groups of travelers. Whether you're organizing a scholarly expedition, a diplomatic mission, or a family reunion, our system can handle the intricate logistics required when multiple individuals journey together.

Each fellowship receives dedicated management, with secure communications, shared itineraries, and specialized requirements all handled through a single coordinating entity rather than disparate arrangements.

Fellowship Features:

  • Secure messaging between fellowship members
  • Shared access to itineraries and bookings
  • Specialized dietary and accommodation requirements
  • Security briefings for areas with known dangers
  • Cultural advisors to prevent diplomatic incidents
  • Emergency extraction protocols
  • Multi-language support across all free peoples

Currency & Payment

One Request accepts all major currencies of Middle-earth. Our sophisticated exchange system ensures fair rates regardless of your native realm. For the convenience of our clients, we maintain the following currency standards:


Gold pieces minted in Gondor, accepted throughout all realms


Silver coins, the standard currency for most transactions


Mithril certificates, for premium services and rare experiences